Gold and Silver Investment is a Safe Proposition

Are you worried about the security of your assets? Do the various aspects of financial planning perplex you to the core? Is your investment portfolio a mixed and complex bag of schemes? Are you furious over your investment and financial planning agent who you think does nothing but confuses and tricks you to buy what benefits him and not you?

The last thing that he tried to convince you was investing in gold and silver, but you scratched your head and were unsure that would yield you reasonable returns in the long run. If this is the case with you, don’t push this advice beneath the rug. It could profit you a lot in future.

Times are so uncertain that you can’t put all your eggs into one basket. This only means that you need to choose different ways to invest your money. Shares, mutual funds, gold, silver, fixed deposits, or liquid cash – all these are worth trying at some point of time or the other. Moreover, depending on your current financial state and your investment goals, your financial planner will help you carve out a portfolio that helps you maximize the benefits and minimize the losses, some of which are unavoidable due to dynamic market conditions.

buy gold coins

Benefits of Investing in Gold and Silver:

  1. Dual-Purpose Asset The reason why gold and silver assets are worth investing in is that these are dual-purpose assets. This means they can be used both as jewellery and encashable goods. Gold and silver jewellery is considered rich and has a profound place in many cultures around the world. These metals are a symbol of richness.
  2. Resistance to Market Conditions – Gold and Silver markets do respond to inflation and deflation and could be volatile in the short run. But, the long term values of gold and silver remain the same, despite turmoil in the market.
  3. Stable during Uncertainty – One admirable quality of gold is that it not only stays more or less the same in value during uncertain financial conditions, but it defies any changes also in response to the social, political, and environmental changes across the globe. So, in times of crisis, where everything else could fail, gold and silver are like a secure refuge which one can count on.
  4. Form Flexibility – You can purchase gold and silver in its various forms – Jewellery, bars, bullions, coins, etc. Some people take pride in accumulating silver coins which also have a great value as gift items. These are available in a variety of dimensions. Nowadays, silver has gained much popularity due to its lustre and fashion value. Though gold is considered a much more valuable and rich resource, silver is preferred many a time due to its lower cost. If gold is for tradition, silver is for modernity.
  5. Gold Prices Rise when Dollar falls in value – When such is the fate of gold, it is definitely worth investing in this precious metal. Whether you choose to buy gold coins, gold jewellery, or bullion  it won’t ditch you for sure in life. You won’t feel like a moron who put all his money in the highly volatile stock markets and came out a pauper. With gold, you will never face this eventuality. The only possible outcomes can be that your financial condition can improve a lot or stay just the same. But, it certainly won’t deteriorate.

Investing in gold and silver is essential for your diversified investment portfolio. Your dollars may fail you, your stocks may ditch you, but gold and silver will stand by you, sturdy in the face of adversities.

Investing in Gold, Where to Start?

Gold Bars

According to the advice of the best experts, no strategy for gold investment will be complete without advance design a plan and define your investment goals. If you don’t have clear goals in your mind, any investments you make (random) almost always result in substantial losses in your portfolio.

Four Tips for Investing in Gold

  1. The first tip to invest in gold is to allocate no more than 10% of your portfolio to buying coins and gold bullion and when you buy, make sure they are products with relatively low investment costs.Bullion will have lower insurance premiums than coins, however, are a little harder to sell unless they have certificates proving its purity. On the other hand, if your idea is to invest in currencies due to higher liquidity, you should consider gold karat 22-24.
  2. The second tip relates to investment when you buy, it is very important because you definitely need to avoid buying when the price is at its highest level. Savvy investors buy when prices are low and that usually happens when the economic environment is favorable. In times like the present, the gold price is relatively low compared to its real value, so that the economic environment is so messy indicates that it is the ideal time to buy gold bars and coins.
  3. The third tip has to do with storage. You can store your gold in a safe in your local bank or you can ask the company you are selling it to store it for you. There are many serious and reliable companies that not only sell you again or buy the gold that you have sold, but also have special facilities designed to store gold, for a relatively small amount.
  4. The fourth tip and perhaps the most important, is that you study very carefully the company from where you will purchase the gold. Make sure it’s a genuine company. Know who the owners are and especially the benefits you provide and guarantees that they offer.

Most people invest in Gold Coins than Gold Bars as they are a bit cheap and easy to store as well. The above tips are very important when considering buying Gold.