What Makes Gold a Safe Investment?

Thinking of investing in the ever so rich and royal metal gold, but thinking whether it would be safe for you or not?  The rate of gold investment is continuously increasing. People are waking up to the fact that gold and silver are worthy ways of investing and not just the traditional stocks, shares, bonds, and insurance schemes.

Risk Factor

Investments are risk-bound. There is no type of investment that is done for the sake of it; the very aim of investment is to earn and grow money over a period of time. Whether it is a short-term or a long-term investment, risks are plenty. You will either lose all your money, earn only a very insignificant amount, or your money may remain the same under dire market conditions. In a market that fluctuates very often, you need to be careful and shrewd about the type of decisions that you take every few months or every few weeks, at times. This is a common phenomenon in the share market.

Gold – Noble and Stable

Gold investment is attractive for the very reason that it is averse to and tolerant to the constant changes that take place in the national or world economy. Gold prices do fluctuate over the short-term, but they display great stability over a period of years. And most investments span over a period of years at the minimum. So, if there is nothing to gain much, there isn’t anything to lose either.

gold barsNature of Gold Investment

Indians are crazy after gold be it for jewellery or investment purposes.  In the wake of dire life circumstances, gold prices remain stable, and hence, you can liquidate the gold assets when you need cash. When you invest in gold, you are rest assured that there is something to take you out of your cash deficit problems. An advice to gold investors is that ‘Don’t touch gold unless you have a dire or dying need for cash’. Gold is usually for long-term benefits and emergency cash needs. However, if you wish to trade in gold every now and then, keep a sharp eye on the short-term volatile market conditions and take steps wisely.  Gold market is not like stock market meant for quick money transactions; it is an asset meant to be kept, stored, cherished, and converted to liquid assets when needed.

Gold Investment for the Spendthrift

Gold prices remain stable even under adverse market conditions, that is, when dollar value falls. So, gold is certainly a sane and wise investment. If you are a gambler or expend money very quickly, gold investment is a wise decision for you. If you can’t save for the rainy day, invest in gold. Gold investment will certainly rain you profits in the long run.

Where to Buy Gold?

Buy gold only from authentic dealers be they online websites or offline stores. Many online gold dealers cost you less as you skip the intermediaries. It is wise to buy gold when the market is bearish and sell it when it is bullish. Many people prefer to buy when gold market is at the pivot point since now they are confident of reaping returns. Many consider it best to invest in gold when the bearish market reaches the pivot point towards the bullish trend.

What Gold Form to Invest in?

There are various forms of physical gold like gold bars, gold coins, bullions, kruggerands, etc. Each of these is available in different dimensions. Again, buying all of them is not the same thing. Each coin, bar, or bullion has a reason for being bought, and you need to show thorough consideration while buying a gold item of a certain dimension. Sizes of physical gold forms should be considered according to factors like your long-term/short-term needs, your magnitude of business and investment needed, commercial or personal needs, etc.

If you want to buy gold bars, make a thorough study of its various dimensions before purchasing. These are available in a variety of weights ranging from 2.5 gm to 250 gm. Gold bars aren’t just visually stunning, but they let you have a feeling of pride when you hold them. You may not have got a chance to be a part of royal family in this lifetime, but with gold investment, you can certainly boast about being rich, noble, and kingly beyond doubt. Indeed, owning a significant amount of gold in today’s times is no mean deed.

One thought on “What Makes Gold a Safe Investment?

  1. Pingback: Investing for stable, steady growth PART 4 | power of language blog: partnering with reality by JR Fibonacci

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