Is Gold Coin investment stable?

Over the entire human history, gold has been regarded as one of the most valuable possessions and investments that anyone could opt for. In ancient times, people used gold as a form of currency. The significance of gold has stood the test of time by continuing to be a constant source of value, irrespective of place and time in the world. Gold is a valuable commodity that is available worldwide and it retains its worth in favourable times as well as during economic crises. This is the reason why many people turn to gold as a stable form of investment during uncertain economic times.

Investment in gold coins is highly reliable and stable. The gold market generally follows an upward trend. Though the price of gold experiences changes quite often, it never crashes to zero. You not only save your money by investing in gold but you can also earn from it. The stable value of gold makes it a reliable form of investment for anyone. Although you can invest in shares and bonds, real estate property, or valuable commodities, investment in gold is always highly beneficial and secured. The recent economic catastrophe has shown the world how volatile the rest of conventional investing options are.

One of the best factors about gold coin investment is that you get to invest in something that is tangible and real. The value of shares can suddenly fall to zero in accordance with the market trends. People who trade in the stock market have experienced great loss all of a sudden due to unstable nature of the stock market. However, that is not the case with the gold investment. The value of gold remains relatively stable. During the economic crises several traders have made large gains from gold by giving it preference over other kinds of investments.

Krugerrand CoinThere are several kinds of gold coins that are worth to invest your money in. The Krugerrand Coin 2012 is one such valuable coin. The Krugerrand Coin was first minted in 1967 in South Africa with the purpose to circulate it as a form of currency. In the initial two decades, it was prohibited in several Western nations due to the prevalent apartheid. However, the sanctions against this coin ended in 1994 and it gained immense popularity.  The Krugerrand Coin 2012 is one of the most preferred investment opportunities around the globe, in the recent times, as it signifies a stable form of gold coin investment.

You will find that there exists only handful of world famous commercial coins. The 2013 Sovereign Gold Coin is one of these commercial gold coins. It is Britons’ most popular coin. In addition, it is the flagship coin of renowned gold bullions’ manufacturers in the United Kingdom. So, if you intend to invest your money in gold, it will be better if you take some time and analyze all possible alternatives in order to choose the kind of gold coin that suits you the best for investment purposes. You can derive good commercial benefits by investing in 2013 Sovereign Gold Coins.

Unlike stocks, you need not monitor the price of gold coins all the time wondering when the market is going to crash. The fact is that the gold price is pretty stable, and generally experiences an increasing trend. Thus, it eliminates the possibility of any kind of risk in investing your money in gold coins, as compared to the possible risks in stock and real estate. Gold investment is one of the top available investments. You not only get explicit benefits from it but also experience financial stability and security.

Why Gold Investment is known as Flexible Investment?

Have you been aware of the fact that the gold investment is regarded as a flexible investment? Since it is a flexible investment a large number of people prefer to invest their money in gold. One of the main reasons due to which lots of people are observed to opt for gold investment is that the value or price of gold tend to rise considerably when any economic crisis happen to occur and when the stock market falls considerably. Moreover, person coming from any strata of society can opt to go for gold investment as it is a flexible investment.

Flexible nature of gold investment

One can purchase gold in any available form. The gold bar, gold coin and gold bullion are considered as the most popular forms of gold that are easily available in the market. Irrespective of the form in which you buy gold, the value of the gold remains the same and you get same benefits. All these forms of gold are valid throughout the world and one can opt to buy gold in any of these forms from any place. Similarly, you can sell gold in any form wherever you wish to sell it. This rightly proves the flexible nature of the gold.

Most of the people prefer to buy gold when its value happens to be low. The value of gold happens to rise with the period of time, since the market value of gold is flexible.  The people prefer to sell the purchased gold when the value of the gold increases. Such a gold transaction proves to be highly profitable for the gold investors. Moreover, unlike the stock shares, the value of gold never diminishes and hence gold investment is considered as a safe investment by many people.

Benefits of the Flexible nature of Gold investment

As a matter of fact, the various economic factors that tend to directly affect worth of real estate, the interest rates, prices of stock shares and the currency value do not tend to affect the value of the gold. Rather, its value tends to follow trend the other way round. It is an established fact that the movement of the gold in the current market is regarded as an independent one. Hence, owning the gold or investing in gold is not regarded as a risky investment. Rather the gold investment and its trading and selling are known for offering higher financial security irrespective of the prevailing economical problems.

Moreover, investment in gold such as gold bars, gold bullion, gold coins is known for gaining trust of lots of investors and people quite rapidly, throughout the world. This is so, because this valuable gold metal tends to provide security and assurance of stable importance and worth. It is a known fact that the gold bars and gold bullions safeguard your significant power of purchase to a great extent as well as your overall wealth because its value never happen to fade away or falls to zero similar to the stock shares.

Instant benefits due to flexible nature of gold investment

If you happen to face any accident or wish to get admission in your dream university, then you may need cash money at the earliest. If you do not happen to possess any liquid assets or do not have a good insurance policy, then selling the gold to obtain money at the earliest would be the best option. In such crucial times when one needs finance urgently one can sell the gold with great convenience and without any hassles. Even for getting money from the insurance policies you have to deal with many hassles. At times, the insurance companies trick you with several terms and conditions of the policy. They tend to make you believe that you are not valid to obtain money at that time and they avoid paying you the money on instant basis. However, this is not the case with gold investments. If you happen to possess gold bars or gold bullions, then you can sell them as and when needed and obtain cash money on instant basis. There exist no terms and conditions for selling the gold whenever the need be. Moreover, unlike real estate, you can carry the gold with you from one place to another and sell it as per your requirement in hardly any time. Hence, the gold investment is regarded as a flexible one and has plenty of advantages over the other kinds of investments.

What Makes Gold a Much Sought after Investment?

Many investors in the modern times have their eyes set on gold prices. Gold has become such a hot favorite for investment purposes. Gone are the days when gold was considered for purchasing only by the elite or only by Asian countries or royal families.

What has triggered a sudden surge in the demand for gold as jewellery as well as for investment purposes? Are other forms of investment not able to fulfill the needs of investors? Is market more conducive to gold investment? Is more gold being mined throughout the world? Have investors changed their mindset about gold investment? Have people become so rich that gold seems like an easy investment?

Low Prices

The prime reason behind this is the fall in gold prices. Gold prices have dipped in the last few months making investors more open to considering gold a part of their investment portfolio. Not only as jewellery but gold is now finding increased acceptance in the form of bullions too.

Gold, though an expensive metal, is ideal to put your money into. You won’t have to repent even when the world economy is in a state of turmoil. Your investment on gold is sure to yield you returns. The high safety quotient of gold has made it attractive to investors. So, if you wish to buy gold, rush when the prices are low.

Assurance of Stability and Returns

The volatility of stock market and the high level of uncertainty lurking behind its potential for returns have made gold a safe refuge for investment. Maybe, investors no more nurse the risk-taking attitude and want something that is promising and comes with a certain level of assurance.

The recent events like the economic recession have made investors more averse to risk and more prone to seeking stability. Insecurity about financial future looms large in the minds of regular investors and investors seeking financial stability, thus making them turn towards gold. The current gold price per gram in UK is £29.58. Note that the gold market is volatile in the short term. So, don’t wait for the prices to go bullish; make a buy.

Variety in Gold Investment

If you thought gold investment is a boring activity, you are wrong. You have a wide variety of options to choose from if you are planning to buy gold. You can buy gold jewellery in its various designs and shapes. Gold jewellery fulfills your dreams of decking up and investment. If you are a woman, you would certainly want to consider this option.

For the plain investor, whose only goal is money and liquidating the gold in need, gold bullions like gold bars and gold coins of various sizes, weights, and carats are available for investment. Gold coins are relatively inexpensive as compared to gold bars. Moreover, they assure easy liquidity in the short term.

Gold coins have a great value for collectors too. So, if your hobby is collecting coins, collecting gold coins will be a dual benefit for you. You can collect them and keep them as long as it pleases you and sell them off when you need money. So, if you are a keen and regular investor, keep a constant eye on gold price per gram to put your money into this worthy yellow metal.

What Makes Gold a Safe Investment?

Thinking of investing in the ever so rich and royal metal gold, but thinking whether it would be safe for you or not?  The rate of gold investment is continuously increasing. People are waking up to the fact that gold and silver are worthy ways of investing and not just the traditional stocks, shares, bonds, and insurance schemes.

Risk Factor

Investments are risk-bound. There is no type of investment that is done for the sake of it; the very aim of investment is to earn and grow money over a period of time. Whether it is a short-term or a long-term investment, risks are plenty. You will either lose all your money, earn only a very insignificant amount, or your money may remain the same under dire market conditions. In a market that fluctuates very often, you need to be careful and shrewd about the type of decisions that you take every few months or every few weeks, at times. This is a common phenomenon in the share market.

Gold – Noble and Stable

Gold investment is attractive for the very reason that it is averse to and tolerant to the constant changes that take place in the national or world economy. Gold prices do fluctuate over the short-term, but they display great stability over a period of years. And most investments span over a period of years at the minimum. So, if there is nothing to gain much, there isn’t anything to lose either.

gold barsNature of Gold Investment

Indians are crazy after gold be it for jewellery or investment purposes.  In the wake of dire life circumstances, gold prices remain stable, and hence, you can liquidate the gold assets when you need cash. When you invest in gold, you are rest assured that there is something to take you out of your cash deficit problems. An advice to gold investors is that ‘Don’t touch gold unless you have a dire or dying need for cash’. Gold is usually for long-term benefits and emergency cash needs. However, if you wish to trade in gold every now and then, keep a sharp eye on the short-term volatile market conditions and take steps wisely.  Gold market is not like stock market meant for quick money transactions; it is an asset meant to be kept, stored, cherished, and converted to liquid assets when needed.

Gold Investment for the Spendthrift

Gold prices remain stable even under adverse market conditions, that is, when dollar value falls. So, gold is certainly a sane and wise investment. If you are a gambler or expend money very quickly, gold investment is a wise decision for you. If you can’t save for the rainy day, invest in gold. Gold investment will certainly rain you profits in the long run.

Where to Buy Gold?

Buy gold only from authentic dealers be they online websites or offline stores. Many online gold dealers cost you less as you skip the intermediaries. It is wise to buy gold when the market is bearish and sell it when it is bullish. Many people prefer to buy when gold market is at the pivot point since now they are confident of reaping returns. Many consider it best to invest in gold when the bearish market reaches the pivot point towards the bullish trend.

What Gold Form to Invest in?

There are various forms of physical gold like gold bars, gold coins, bullions, kruggerands, etc. Each of these is available in different dimensions. Again, buying all of them is not the same thing. Each coin, bar, or bullion has a reason for being bought, and you need to show thorough consideration while buying a gold item of a certain dimension. Sizes of physical gold forms should be considered according to factors like your long-term/short-term needs, your magnitude of business and investment needed, commercial or personal needs, etc.

If you want to buy gold bars, make a thorough study of its various dimensions before purchasing. These are available in a variety of weights ranging from 2.5 gm to 250 gm. Gold bars aren’t just visually stunning, but they let you have a feeling of pride when you hold them. You may not have got a chance to be a part of royal family in this lifetime, but with gold investment, you can certainly boast about being rich, noble, and kingly beyond doubt. Indeed, owning a significant amount of gold in today’s times is no mean deed.

Gold and Silver Investment is a Safe Proposition

Are you worried about the security of your assets? Do the various aspects of financial planning perplex you to the core? Is your investment portfolio a mixed and complex bag of schemes? Are you furious over your investment and financial planning agent who you think does nothing but confuses and tricks you to buy what benefits him and not you?

The last thing that he tried to convince you was investing in gold and silver, but you scratched your head and were unsure that would yield you reasonable returns in the long run. If this is the case with you, don’t push this advice beneath the rug. It could profit you a lot in future.

Times are so uncertain that you can’t put all your eggs into one basket. This only means that you need to choose different ways to invest your money. Shares, mutual funds, gold, silver, fixed deposits, or liquid cash – all these are worth trying at some point of time or the other. Moreover, depending on your current financial state and your investment goals, your financial planner will help you carve out a portfolio that helps you maximize the benefits and minimize the losses, some of which are unavoidable due to dynamic market conditions.

buy gold coins

Benefits of Investing in Gold and Silver:

  1. Dual-Purpose Asset The reason why gold and silver assets are worth investing in is that these are dual-purpose assets. This means they can be used both as jewellery and encashable goods. Gold and silver jewellery is considered rich and has a profound place in many cultures around the world. These metals are a symbol of richness.
  2. Resistance to Market Conditions – Gold and Silver markets do respond to inflation and deflation and could be volatile in the short run. But, the long term values of gold and silver remain the same, despite turmoil in the market.
  3. Stable during Uncertainty – One admirable quality of gold is that it not only stays more or less the same in value during uncertain financial conditions, but it defies any changes also in response to the social, political, and environmental changes across the globe. So, in times of crisis, where everything else could fail, gold and silver are like a secure refuge which one can count on.
  4. Form Flexibility – You can purchase gold and silver in its various forms – Jewellery, bars, bullions, coins, etc. Some people take pride in accumulating silver coins which also have a great value as gift items. These are available in a variety of dimensions. Nowadays, silver has gained much popularity due to its lustre and fashion value. Though gold is considered a much more valuable and rich resource, silver is preferred many a time due to its lower cost. If gold is for tradition, silver is for modernity.
  5. Gold Prices Rise when Dollar falls in value – When such is the fate of gold, it is definitely worth investing in this precious metal. Whether you choose to buy gold coins, gold jewellery, or bullion  it won’t ditch you for sure in life. You won’t feel like a moron who put all his money in the highly volatile stock markets and came out a pauper. With gold, you will never face this eventuality. The only possible outcomes can be that your financial condition can improve a lot or stay just the same. But, it certainly won’t deteriorate.

Investing in gold and silver is essential for your diversified investment portfolio. Your dollars may fail you, your stocks may ditch you, but gold and silver will stand by you, sturdy in the face of adversities.

Investing in Gold, Where to Start?

Gold Bars

According to the advice of the best experts, no strategy for gold investment will be complete without advance design a plan and define your investment goals. If you don’t have clear goals in your mind, any investments you make (random) almost always result in substantial losses in your portfolio.

Four Tips for Investing in Gold

  1. The first tip to invest in gold is to allocate no more than 10% of your portfolio to buying coins and gold bullion and when you buy, make sure they are products with relatively low investment costs.Bullion will have lower insurance premiums than coins, however, are a little harder to sell unless they have certificates proving its purity. On the other hand, if your idea is to invest in currencies due to higher liquidity, you should consider gold karat 22-24.
  2. The second tip relates to investment when you buy, it is very important because you definitely need to avoid buying when the price is at its highest level. Savvy investors buy when prices are low and that usually happens when the economic environment is favorable. In times like the present, the gold price is relatively low compared to its real value, so that the economic environment is so messy indicates that it is the ideal time to buy gold bars and coins.
  3. The third tip has to do with storage. You can store your gold in a safe in your local bank or you can ask the company you are selling it to store it for you. There are many serious and reliable companies that not only sell you again or buy the gold that you have sold, but also have special facilities designed to store gold, for a relatively small amount.
  4. The fourth tip and perhaps the most important, is that you study very carefully the company from where you will purchase the gold. Make sure it’s a genuine company. Know who the owners are and especially the benefits you provide and guarantees that they offer.

Most people invest in Gold Coins than Gold Bars as they are a bit cheap and easy to store as well. The above tips are very important when considering buying Gold.

Benefits of Investing in Gold

GOLD!! The word brings a shine in everyone’s eyes.

Investing in gold in recent times is becoming a favorite activity for some investors. Gold investment has a lot of benefits and a lot of people are indulging themselves in Gold investment every year.

gold investment

Benefits of investing in gold:

It’s a Simple Investment.  
Do not be an expert to invest in gold. Simply buy physical gold or get gold deposit certificates.

High Liquidity
Gold is one of the world’s most liquid holdings. You can sell quickly in any country on the planet. It is recognized and accepted worldwide. Gold can be converted into cash within a few minutes, which is very easy to exchange for real money. Also it can be converted to Jewellery which can fulfill your fashion demands. In other types of investments cannot say the same.

It is a safe shelter for your money.  
Gold is known as a refuge for safe keeping. Gold cannot be frozen or rejected as other economic resources. Gold is not controlled by the government (is another cause of their liquidity).

Serves to Diversify Investments
Investing in gold can be turned into a smart move if you want to diversify your investments. Many investors are encouraged to diversify their investment portfolio by investing in gold. Investment Diversification helps reduce losses to safeguard against market fluctuations.

The economic force that set up the price of gold is different, and in most cases, contrary to establishing the prices of other investments. For example, the value of an action depends on the rumours of growth of a company in which you are a shareholder, on the other hand the price of gold, depends on many factors such as supply and demand, the value of the dollar, inflation and interest rates.

Gold is difficult to devalue.  
Gold can be bought in various ways. Whether in the form of coins, bullion or buying specialized investment deposits in gold. Whether in times of crisis or in times of bonanza, gold holds a reasonably stable value and does not suffer the effects of the sharp devaluation of the money. $100, 10 years ago was worth less than $100 today. Gold meanwhile is worth 10 times more today than it was 10 years ago.

Physical Characteristics  
Gold is divisible and portable. Besides knowing the weight can determine its exact value. It is also indestructible and accepted as payment anywhere in the world.

With the passage of time the gold price will increase.  
Maybe this is the most important of all the benefits of investing in gold. Gold in the long run will always increase in price. While the period is greater, the more benefits you get from your investment in gold. If you’re an investor who thinks long-term, you should invest in gold.

Investing in gold coins, gold bullion bars, and gold jewellery is one of the most profitable activities in recent years (despite the economic crisis).

What is Bullion?

Bullion!! One of the best way of investing your money. Many people now-a-days have started investing in gold, silver coins in order to secure their future. Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion is a nice practice, as Gold is a finite resource and it’s value is bound to increase in the near future. Gold bullion

A proper investment in Gold and Silver can help you live a royal life even after your retirement. It is therefore important to plan a proper investment. Also there are Gold and Silver Coins of lesser value available for sale, so that people can invest regularly in them.

Remember, A proper and long term investment can help you live a tension free life.