Tips to Help Identify Fake Gold and Silver Coins

ImageAre you aware of any effective techniques for identifying counterfeit gold and silver coins? The sale of fake gold and silver coins by a counterfeiter is a major issue in the market today. Surveys and studies have shown that counterfeiters are more willing to rob amateur collectors and investors than the expert ones. They make it next to impossible even for the experts and highly experienced professionals to detect fake gold and silver coins. You need to know a few effective techniques that will help you to separate fake gold and silver from the real thing.

  1. Reliable and reputed dealer: First of all, when purchasing gold or silver, you need to know a reputed and reliable coin dealer. Getting an experienced dealer is your first line of defense in keeping yourself free from counterfeit coins. An honest dealer will go out of his way to demonstrate the authenticity of coins to anyone who genuinely intends to purchase coins.  Avoid purchasing anything from dealers who are unwilling to prove the authenticity of their coins, as they may be selling counterfeit coins.
  2. Weight and dimensions: Dimensions and weight are some of the quickest techniques to detect the lowest quality of counterfeit gold and silver bullion coins. A side-by-side comparison of identical coins will weed out the counterfeit coins in a few minutes. Sophisticated counterfeiters may have coins that are matching dimensions and weight so you need to use precision calipers and scales for dimension and weight measurements. The dimension and weight tolerances of legitimate coins are minuscule, so much so that any real deviation from either would indicate a fake coin.
  3. Fine details:  An authentic gold coin has quite a specific colour, luster, and details that expose any counterfeit coins. Plenty of counterfeit gold or silver coins are cast, not pressed, so they are lacking in the fine details that, generally, authenticate pressed coins possess. Other signs of a cast coin are the presence of misshaped edges, tool markings, uneven letter spacing, surface blemishes, lack of detail and a casted appearance. You can inspect the surface and other details of a counterfeit coin by using a good magnifying glass. All these details hold true when buying or selling silver coins too.
  4. Ring test: According to a ring test, if you tap the gold or silver coin, which you intend to purchase, with another real gold or silver coin, you will get a high pitched ring if the coin is real and a thud sound if the coin is fake. Balance the coin on the end of your index finger, when performing this test. Listen for a ring when tapping the coin with the authentic one. This test is an easy and quick way to identify a counterfeit coin.
  5. Magnetic test: Another simple method to use to weed out counterfeit gold and silver coins is a basic magnetic test. In reality, both gold and silver bullion coins are non-magnetic so even the slightest magnetic attraction in silver or gold coin indicates the presence of ferrous metal in its composition. So, a strong pocket magnet would be a good thing to take along with you when you are in the market for purchasing gold or silver coins.

There are several more tests that can help you detect a counterfeit coin, such as counterfeit coin detectors. All these above mentioned tips will definitely help you in differentiating counterfeit gold or silver coins from the real ones, thereby preventing you from being the victim of a deceptive coin dealer.


Why investment in silver coins is superior to other metals for building wealth in 2014


Silver is a precious metal from ancient times. In olden days, it was used as currency to carry out various business transactions. It succeeds in retaining its significance even in the twenty-first century, as a greater number of people prefer to invest in this valuable metal than any other. The beginning of 2014 is marked with the fall in price of silver and increase in the number of investors in this valuable metal, as people find investing in this metal as a great technique to build their financial portfolio.

Silver is available at cheaper rates, in comparison with other metals, and it has the potential to offer outstanding returns, particularly when it is invested for a long span of time. This is why lots of people are opting to invest in this precious metal rather than other metals such as gold and platinum. You can find various forms of silver, such as silver coins, silver bars, and silver bullion, in the market enabling you to get this valuable element in the desired form. If you pursue the hobby of collecting different rare coins, you can buy silver coins to enhance your collection. If you aim to invest in the physical form of silver, you can go for silver bars or silver bullion to enhance your investment portfolio.


Although investing in the physical form of silver is one of the most convenient and reliable ways of investing in silver, you need to make special arrangements for storage and transportation of this precious metal. Silver coins, such as silver coins UK, being smaller in comparison with silver bars can be transported without any hassles. Also, they do not occupy a lot of space for storage purposes. However, you need to take great care when storing both silver bars as well as coins by ensuring that they are stored in an air-tight medium.

Delving deeper into the popularity and demand of silver coins, you will find that American Eagle silver coins is one of the most popular and valuable coins by several investors and collectors. Silver Maple Leaf, Silver Monarch coins, Silver Laxmi coins, Silver Ganesh coins, and many more coins are common coins, in which most of the investors and collectors prefer to invest their finances.


There are certain reasons why people prefer investing in this valuable metal than any other. One of the reasons is its availability at lower rates in comparison with the rest of the metals. For instance, silver coins are cheaper compared to gold coins and, at times, they are available at sixty percent less than the rate of gold. Additionally, investing in silver for the long term can help you derive remarkable financial gains. Investors prefer to purchase this valuable metal when its price falls and sell it in the market when its price goes high. This helps them obtain substantial profits.

When investing in this precious metal, it is better to consult a professional advisor, who has good knowledge and experience in handling transactions of this valuable element for years, to derive full benefits from your investment in it. Prefer to store this precious element in safe and secure locations such as a bank safety deposit box. It is safer to store it in a bank than in your house. A careful investment in silver is sure to deliver you remarkable gains in the future times. So, plan to invest in this valuable metal as soon as possible.



Pros and cons of investing in gold and silver


Several individuals prefer to invest in precious metals that mainly include gold and silver. These two valuable metals play a vital role in the financial market, specially, gold. Additionally, these metals have several significant industrial applications. Common individuals and savvy investors prefer to invest in these metals by buying gold and silver bullions and coins, most preferably, over gold ETFs and various other options are available in the market. Generally, people buy coins of these valuable metals when their price is low and sell gold coins and silver coins when the price of these metals rises. This enables them to derive good financial gains, if they store these precious metals before selling gold bullions and silver coins for a considerable span of time.

Investment in gold and silver is advantageous for many individuals however, there are pros and cons of investment in these highly valued metals. Here are a few pros and cons of investment in gold and silver.

Pros of investing in gold and silver:

  1. Protection in depreciation: Investment in silver and gold bullions offers a high level of protection against depreciation since the value of gold and silver never diminishes to zero, even during economic crisis. Even if value of currency or paper money gets affected adversely during the economic crisis, the value of gold and silver remains constant. Gold offers great support to the investors even when the central bank weakens its currency for a given monetary policy. This enables you to have a substantial financial protection against depreciation, if you have purchased gold and silver bullions well in advance. Selling silver coins and gold bullions even in depreciation can fetch you a considerable amount of money. This is why after experiencing the effects of the recent recession in 2008, lots of people are relying on their investment in gold and silver due to its benefits
  2. No liability: Precious metals such as silver and gold are not a liability to any individual, business entity, bank, or government. Big companies can suffer bankruptcy and governments can fail to pay its debts. On the contrary, these valuable metals won’t be affected adversely similar to bankrupt companies and governments in debt. Investors’ portfolio that shows their investment in these precious metals and maintains its value even in critical times. Any other asset in place of these valuable metals would have crashed to zero but this can never happen when selling gold bars and silver coins.
  3. International liquidity: Silver and gold offer the best liquidity value throughout the world. You can sell gold coins and silver coins easily to any part in the world due to high liquidity aspect of these valuable elements. This is because you are bound to find someone who is willing to purchase these valuable metals irrespective of your location. Lots of people and savvy investors are willing to purchase gold and silver because they never depreciate in value.

Cons of investing in gold and silver:

  1. Low Rate of Return (ROR): One of the biggest cons of investing in gold and silver is that they have low rate of return in comparison with the currency or paper money. This happens because prices of these precious elements do not vary marginally over a short span of time like that of currencies. This is why you need to store bullions and coins of these valuable metals for a long span of time before selling them in order to make a high amount of returns.
  2. Untimely appreciation cycles: Price of gold and silver does not appreciate regularly. These precious elements appreciate to their highest price only in the span when the value of paper money depreciates. So no doubt these metals are great protection against depreciation, but their untimely appreciation cycles prevent common man from investing in them on a regular basis.
  3. Price corrections: Just like other traded commodities are subjected to price corrections, silver and gold even experience price correction. One of the biggest disadvantages is that, if you do not hold these valuable metals for long span, the price correction can work against you. You need to wait for long span until prices of gold and silver rise considerably before selling gold bullions and silver coins.

If you invest in gold and silver by acknowledging these pros and cons when investing in these valuable metals, you can definitely reap good financial gain and secure your wealth without any losses.


Gold and Silver Investment is a Safe Proposition

Are you worried about the security of your assets? Do the various aspects of financial planning perplex you to the core? Is your investment portfolio a mixed and complex bag of schemes? Are you furious over your investment and financial planning agent who you think does nothing but confuses and tricks you to buy what benefits him and not you?

The last thing that he tried to convince you was investing in gold and silver, but you scratched your head and were unsure that would yield you reasonable returns in the long run. If this is the case with you, don’t push this advice beneath the rug. It could profit you a lot in future.

Times are so uncertain that you can’t put all your eggs into one basket. This only means that you need to choose different ways to invest your money. Shares, mutual funds, gold, silver, fixed deposits, or liquid cash – all these are worth trying at some point of time or the other. Moreover, depending on your current financial state and your investment goals, your financial planner will help you carve out a portfolio that helps you maximize the benefits and minimize the losses, some of which are unavoidable due to dynamic market conditions.

buy gold coins

Benefits of Investing in Gold and Silver:

  1. Dual-Purpose Asset The reason why gold and silver assets are worth investing in is that these are dual-purpose assets. This means they can be used both as jewellery and encashable goods. Gold and silver jewellery is considered rich and has a profound place in many cultures around the world. These metals are a symbol of richness.
  2. Resistance to Market Conditions – Gold and Silver markets do respond to inflation and deflation and could be volatile in the short run. But, the long term values of gold and silver remain the same, despite turmoil in the market.
  3. Stable during Uncertainty – One admirable quality of gold is that it not only stays more or less the same in value during uncertain financial conditions, but it defies any changes also in response to the social, political, and environmental changes across the globe. So, in times of crisis, where everything else could fail, gold and silver are like a secure refuge which one can count on.
  4. Form Flexibility – You can purchase gold and silver in its various forms – Jewellery, bars, bullions, coins, etc. Some people take pride in accumulating silver coins which also have a great value as gift items. These are available in a variety of dimensions. Nowadays, silver has gained much popularity due to its lustre and fashion value. Though gold is considered a much more valuable and rich resource, silver is preferred many a time due to its lower cost. If gold is for tradition, silver is for modernity.
  5. Gold Prices Rise when Dollar falls in value – When such is the fate of gold, it is definitely worth investing in this precious metal. Whether you choose to buy gold coins, gold jewellery, or bullion  it won’t ditch you for sure in life. You won’t feel like a moron who put all his money in the highly volatile stock markets and came out a pauper. With gold, you will never face this eventuality. The only possible outcomes can be that your financial condition can improve a lot or stay just the same. But, it certainly won’t deteriorate.

Investing in gold and silver is essential for your diversified investment portfolio. Your dollars may fail you, your stocks may ditch you, but gold and silver will stand by you, sturdy in the face of adversities.

What is Bullion?

Bullion!! One of the best way of investing your money. Many people now-a-days have started investing in gold, silver coins in order to secure their future. Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion is a nice practice, as Gold is a finite resource and it’s value is bound to increase in the near future. Gold bullion

A proper investment in Gold and Silver can help you live a royal life even after your retirement. It is therefore important to plan a proper investment. Also there are Gold and Silver Coins of lesser value available for sale, so that people can invest regularly in them.

Remember, A proper and long term investment can help you live a tension free life.